Author Interview: Lee Martens
Hi, friends! Today I have a super exciting post- my first author interview! Today we will be talking with Lee Martens, author of Secrets of a Broken Heart, a book of poetry that will be coming out October 26! Synopsis: If you're a dreamer, there is no doubt you have had your heart broken a few times, whether it was by the people you loved or by your own thoughts. 'Secrets of a Broken Heart' is a poetry collection to carry you through the heartbreak. It tells a story of healing, of how nothing matters more than to just keep dreaming no matter how much it hurts at times. Let's get into the interview, and learn some more about Lee Martens and her exciting new book! How would you describe Secrets of a Broken Heart in five words? It is a learning process. What was your inspiration for your poems? Were they all based around the same event or did you write them over time? I wrote them over time. Most of the poems I wrote between the ages of 18 and...