All About Reading Tag
Hi friends! Today I'm going to be doing the All About Reading Tag which I found through the blog, The Left Handed Reader! Thanks to her for opening this tag up for anyone to do! I'm excited to do a tag because I think it will be fun to answer some questions for you all to get to know me a little better! 1) What do you look for the most when you pick up a book? a.) a beautiful writing style; b.) a character driven story; c.) a plot driven story When I'm reading a book, my biggest things I'm looking for are characters that I can connect with and a strong plot. A lot of times, I get bored with books that don't have a strong plot. I want lots of stuff happening and lots of action! Although, if I don't care about the characters that all of this is happening to, then I don't really enjoy the book either. 2) What are your pet peeves in books? I HATE CLIFF HANGERS. They make me so angry, like I just spent all this time reading this book just to be left ...