
Showing posts from August, 2018

All About Reading Tag

Hi friends! Today I'm going to be doing the All About Reading Tag which I found through the blog, The Left Handed Reader! Thanks to her for opening this tag up for anyone to do! I'm excited to do a tag because I think it will be fun to answer some questions for you all to get to know me a little better! 1) What do you look for the most when you pick up a book? a.) a beautiful writing style; b.) a character driven story; c.) a plot driven story  When I'm reading a book, my biggest things I'm looking for are characters that I can connect with and a strong plot. A lot of times, I get bored with books that don't have a strong plot. I want lots of stuff happening and lots of action! Although, if I don't care about the characters that all of this is happening to, then I don't really enjoy the book either. 2) What are your pet peeves in books? I HATE CLIFF HANGERS. They make me so angry, like I just spent all this time reading this book just to be left ...

Ink, Iron, and Glass Review

Hi, friends! It has been so long since I have posted a review, but I finally have one to share with you! I recently read Ink, Iron, and Glass in July, and I enjoyed it! I got this book in one of my Uppercase boxes, so I had a lot of fun reading it with the online reading experience. Here are my thoughts! Title: Ink, Iron, and Glass Author: Gwendolyn Clare Publisher: Macmillan/Imprint Page Count: 336 Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ Synopsis:  Can she write a world gone wrong? A certain pen, a certain book, and a certain person can craft entirely new worlds through a branch of science called scriptology. Elsa comes from one such world that was written into creation, where her mother―a noted scriptologist―constantly alters and expands their reality. But when her home is attacked and her mother kidnapped, Elsa is forced to cross into the real world and use her own scriptology gifts to find her. In an alternative Victorian Italy, Elsa finds a secret society of young scientists with a ...

The Weekly Word

Hi, friends! Welcome to week 3 of the Weekly Word! I am not going to lie, this week I have struggled a little with my Bible reading. I fell off the wagon for a few days and did not read, but that is okay! This is a journey, and I am not going to be perfect at it. All that matters is that I am trying my best, and I still learned some valuable lessons! This week I read Genesis 31-36, and I learned these little gems of encouragement: Your struggle is not going unnoticed, God will come in His time  Sometimes in our lives, we may struggle for a long time- months, maybe even years, but our struggle is not going unnoticed. It can feel like we are all alone, and God has forgotten us because we are praying and trying but nothing ever changes. But, you are not alone! God always  sees us, and He will bring justice in His own time. Jacob struggled for years, but God did come to bring him justice. In Genesis 31:42 Jacob says, "But God has seen my affliction and my hard work, and...

How I Organize My Goodreads Shelves

Hi, friends! As readers, a lot of us utilize Goodreads as a platform for finding new books, reviewing, and updating our progress. Although it's a great resource sometimes, the shelves can get super cluttered  and overwhelming! I have created three new shelves for myself to help get more organized, so I thought I would hop on here and explain how I organize my Goodreads shelves. If you would like to follow me on Goodreads, the link to my page is in the connect page of my blog! First, I made a shelf for my physical TBR, "Books I Own and Need to Read"- very imaginative, I know. This way I can better keep up with what books I own and still need to read. This has been really helpful to me in actually knowing what I have, and I am able to track my goal of eliminating my physical TBR! Next, I have my "Interested" shelf. These are books that I find on Goodreads that I am interested in the story, but I'm not dying to get my hands on them right this second. ...

The Weekly Word

Hi, friends! Congratulations on finishing another week and happy Sunday! This week I have been reading through Genesis, and I read Genesis 23-30. I am so excited that I am officially over halfway through Genesis! It has been such a blessing reading through this book, as God has shown me so many lessons. This week I want to share the following insights that I have learned this week, and I hope they encourage you and give you some motivation for the coming week!  Pray often, and don't forget to give a prayer of thanks  Throughout Genesis, we see our main characters stopping periodically on their journey and praying to God for guidance. They pray with purpose, and they pray often. This is also how we should pray. When Abraham or Jacob prayed to God, they literally marked the spot. It was a big deal to them, as it should be to us. It is so amazing that the God of the universe listens to us and WANTS us to talk to Him! He will help us if we ask, so we need to pray often...

Booktubeathon Wrap Up

Hi, friends! I have had a great week participating in the Booktubeathon this year! It has been a crazy week as I moved into college on Sunday, but I still got a fair amount of reading done. I entered the world of audiobooks this week, and I found that I love them! Below I have a collage of pictures for each day of the week showing what I did that day. I'll also list my wrap up at the end. I hope you enjoy it!  Day 1: If it wasn't for audiobooks, day 1 of Booktubeathon would have been a complete fail. But, I listened to my audiobook for a lot of the day, so that helped a lot! I also spent most of my afternoon with my boyfriend working on a project. We stained a bookshelf my Granddad made last weekend, and we finally moved it and his whole record collection into my room yesterday! Music was always our thing, so when he passed away last year he left me his records. They are finally with me now, and I am so happy!  Day 2: This has been a sleepy day around the house....

The Weekly Word

Hi, friends! Over the past weeks the Lord has put something on my heart. I try to read my Bible most mornings, and it truly gives me encouragement for the day ahead and puts me in a good mood! Since this blog is all about what I'm reading, I decided to add a weekly feature to share what I've read in the Bible this week and share a little encouragement! This is not meant to sound preachy at all, nor am I trying to push my beliefs on anyone, this is just meant to share a little love and a little encouragement into your day! My hope is that you will read this post, and it will give you some encouragement and inspiration for the week ahead. I use the She Reads Truth Bible, which has devotionals throughout and wide margins for note taking, and I love it! I use an erasable pen (because ya girl can't write half the time), and I also colorcode using highlighters. Yellow stands for something I think is important, green is a promise God has made, and pink is something I love. ...