
Showing posts from 2018

Fall Wrap Up

Hi, friends! I can't believe the ending of another season is already here! I haven't read a ton of books this season, but the ones that I did read, I have really enjoyed! I am excited to share the books I read this fall with you! Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire ⭐⭐⭐⭐ I listened to this book on audio book, and I absolutely loved it! I have heard so much about this book for so long that I finally decided to pick it up myself, and I am so glad I did. I loved getting to see this very unique perspective on all the fairy tales we heard growing up. This story is so imaginative, and I love the world, and worlds, that Seanan McGuire brings to life in this novel. Every one of the characters is so unique and special to the story that I couldn't help but to love all of them!  The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I read this book as a part of a the book bloggers book club that began in September! This book was a beautiful, true story of two ...

Books I'm Thankful For

Hi, friends! It's been a long time since I have made a blog post, and I've also been pretty absent on social media. I'm sorry that I disappeared for a bit, but school always ends up getting to me. It gets super busy by the middle of the semester, and I always end up falling off of blogging. The semester is now winding down for Christmas break (woot woot!!), and I am missing blogging! So, as I am coming back on the week of Thanksgiving, I thought I would share some of the books that have had a big impact on me in some way. These books have had a big impact on my life one way or another, and I will always be thankful that I found them! Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer  I know, I know, please don't hate me for being thankful for Twilight. But truly, I am! I found these books in early middle school while I was looking around at the books in K-mart. I decided to just pick one up one day, and I was hooked. I will be honest with you though, New Moon did ge...

Author Interview: Lee Martens

Hi, friends! Today I have a super exciting post- my first author interview! Today we will be talking with Lee Martens, author of Secrets of a Broken Heart, a book of poetry that will be coming out October 26! Synopsis:  If you're a dreamer, there is no doubt you have had your heart broken a few times, whether it was by the people you loved or by your own thoughts. 'Secrets of a Broken Heart' is a poetry collection to carry you through the heartbreak. It tells a story of healing, of how nothing matters more than to just keep dreaming no matter how much it hurts at times. Let's get into the interview, and learn some more about Lee Martens and her exciting new book! How would you describe Secrets of a Broken Heart in five words? It is a learning process. What was your inspiration for your poems? Were they all based around the same event or did you write them over time? I wrote them over time. Most of the poems I wrote between the ages of 18 and...

Weekly Word

Hi, friends! The past weeks I have really struggled with time management and taking the time to read the Bible as I should, but I finally got my life together enough to write this post! So at least that's something lol. Hopefully I will be better going forward as I decided to drop a class that was just stressing me out and taking all of my time. The Weekly Word is a weekly post where I share what I've learned in the past week while reading my Bible each morning. I also use this to share my journey trying to be more faithful to God and His Word, as I think it is really important to share the truth of the struggle! Changing your schedule is hard. Making yourself get out of bed 20 minutes earlier is hard. Being consistent is hard. That is the truth, and there is nothing wrong with that! This is not a cute little hobby to post on your Instagram to show everyone how holy you are, this is a commitment to becoming closer to God and it is hard. I want to encourage anyone trying to...

Book Club Review: The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Hi, friends! This past month I have had the pleasure of joining the Book Club along with a wonderful group of girls. I am so excited to be able to participate in this book club because it has always been a dream of mine to be in a book club! I think they are just so cool!  This month we all decided to read The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris as our September pick, and it was so good. This book is beautiful, heart-breaking, courageous, and harrowing all at the same time.  Title: The Tattooist of Auschwitz Author: Heather Morris Pages: 272 Publisher: Harper Paperbacks Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Synopsis: In April 1942, Lale Sokolov, a Slovakian Jew, is forcibly transported to the concentration camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau. When his captors discover that he speaks several languages, he is put to work as a Tätowierer (the German word for tattooist), tasked with permanently marking his fellow prisoners. Imprisoned for over two and a half year...

Fall TBR

Hi, friends! September is already underway, and a new season is upon us! It is finally time for the best time of the year- fall. I am so ready for some cooler weather and the opportunity to bust out my sweaters! I'm super excited about what I'll be reading this season because I have recently joined my very first bookclub!! It is a book club on Twitter for book bloggers created by the wonderful Lucy at  Lucy Rambles.  If you would like to join, the Twitter account is @BookBlogTR, we would love to have you!  The books I'm hoping to read this fall are:  Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen  I've already begun this one, and I am enjoying it! I hope to finish it in a week or so!  Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire I'm currently listening to this on audiobook via Scribd, and I am liking it so far!  The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris This is our first book club pick! Watch out for a review coming to you the last week of ...

Weekly Word

Hi, friends! Here we are at the beginning of another week, and I am not ready for it! School has been swamping me as always, and the constant tiredness is starting to creep in. I've done pretty well with reading my Bible this week, and I finished Genesis!! I'm so excited! I really enjoyed the book, and I learned so much more than I had expected from it. I hope that these lessons are a blessing to you, and they help encourage you for your coming week.  This week I learned:  We will be able to see that God was with us all along  I know when we are going through life, and especially rough times, it can seem like there isn't a reason for what is happening. But, once we get to the end of our journey, we will be able to look back and it will all become clear. I love this testimony from Jacob in Genesis 48:15-16- "The God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day, the angel who has redeemed me from all harm...." Jacob says this to his sons as he i...

Summer Wrap Up

Hi, friends! We have already found ourselves at the end of another season! This wrap up is for the summer season which are the books I read in the months of June through August. This summer I actually surprised myself and read way more books that I expected! I counted them up, and I read 12 books this summer!! I didn't think I read that much, so I was super excited when I saw this! This caught me up on my Goodreads goal, and I finished two series that I was in the middle of. Overall, I'd say I had a pretty successful summer of reading, and I'm really happy with what I read. I ended up reading: Cress by Marissa Meyer  I gave this a 4 out of 5 stars  I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Foreman I gave this a 3 out of 5 stars. This was also my first audiobook!   Fairest by Marissa Meyer  I gave this a 3 out of 5 stars Winter by Marissa Meyer  I gave this a 4 out of 5 stars. This was the concluding novel to the Lunar Chronicles, and it was the fi...

The Weekly Word

Hi, friends! I am sorry that I missed posting the Weekly Word last week, but as always I let school get the best of me. I am truly trying to get better about this this year as I really want to make my blog better and get more involved in the community! The past two weeks I have read chapters 37-46 of Genesis. I have read mostly about Joseph and his story, and I have learned some awesome lessons from his life and walk with God. Some of the things that stuck out to me this week were: Jealousy and envy make it impossible to grow goodness and love  In Genesis 37 Joseph tells his brothers of the dreams that God has sent him, and his brothers become very jealous of him. They do not like the pictures that the dreams depicted of them kneeling to their brother and soon their jealousy grows out of control. They go from hating him to plotting to kill him in just 18 verses! You might say that they were just evil people, but that is not the case in my opinion. The problem here is the...

All About Reading Tag

Hi friends! Today I'm going to be doing the All About Reading Tag which I found through the blog, The Left Handed Reader! Thanks to her for opening this tag up for anyone to do! I'm excited to do a tag because I think it will be fun to answer some questions for you all to get to know me a little better! 1) What do you look for the most when you pick up a book? a.) a beautiful writing style; b.) a character driven story; c.) a plot driven story  When I'm reading a book, my biggest things I'm looking for are characters that I can connect with and a strong plot. A lot of times, I get bored with books that don't have a strong plot. I want lots of stuff happening and lots of action! Although, if I don't care about the characters that all of this is happening to, then I don't really enjoy the book either. 2) What are your pet peeves in books? I HATE CLIFF HANGERS. They make me so angry, like I just spent all this time reading this book just to be left ...

Ink, Iron, and Glass Review

Hi, friends! It has been so long since I have posted a review, but I finally have one to share with you! I recently read Ink, Iron, and Glass in July, and I enjoyed it! I got this book in one of my Uppercase boxes, so I had a lot of fun reading it with the online reading experience. Here are my thoughts! Title: Ink, Iron, and Glass Author: Gwendolyn Clare Publisher: Macmillan/Imprint Page Count: 336 Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ Synopsis:  Can she write a world gone wrong? A certain pen, a certain book, and a certain person can craft entirely new worlds through a branch of science called scriptology. Elsa comes from one such world that was written into creation, where her mother―a noted scriptologist―constantly alters and expands their reality. But when her home is attacked and her mother kidnapped, Elsa is forced to cross into the real world and use her own scriptology gifts to find her. In an alternative Victorian Italy, Elsa finds a secret society of young scientists with a ...

The Weekly Word

Hi, friends! Welcome to week 3 of the Weekly Word! I am not going to lie, this week I have struggled a little with my Bible reading. I fell off the wagon for a few days and did not read, but that is okay! This is a journey, and I am not going to be perfect at it. All that matters is that I am trying my best, and I still learned some valuable lessons! This week I read Genesis 31-36, and I learned these little gems of encouragement: Your struggle is not going unnoticed, God will come in His time  Sometimes in our lives, we may struggle for a long time- months, maybe even years, but our struggle is not going unnoticed. It can feel like we are all alone, and God has forgotten us because we are praying and trying but nothing ever changes. But, you are not alone! God always  sees us, and He will bring justice in His own time. Jacob struggled for years, but God did come to bring him justice. In Genesis 31:42 Jacob says, "But God has seen my affliction and my hard work, and...