Book Blog Newbie Tag

Hello readers!

My name is Caitlin, and I am so excited to be starting this blog. I have wanted to have a blog for a while now, so I decided to finally jump in. As I was researching blogs and how to work them, I stumbled across the Book Blog Newbie Tag by Love and Other Bookish Things! I thought this would be a fun and great way to introduce myself into the blogging community, so here it goes!

1. Why did you start this blog?
    I have always loved to read throughout my life, but I have never really had friends that enjoyed reading as much as I did or wanted to just sit and talk about books that they have read. Because of this, I thought that having a blog where I can share my favorite books and talk about why I loved them so much with other people who love books also would be so awesome! I have also always kinda wanted a blog for some reason, but I never thought about what I would actually talk about until now!

2. What are some fun or unique things you bring to book blogging?
   I don't know very many "fun" things that I could bring to blogging as I am basically a granny in a nineteen year old's body, but I think that one unique thing I have is that I am a very empathetic reader. I always get way too into books (which is that really a problem?), and I feel all of the emotions in a book very strongly. I think maybe my reviews on books would reflect that, so maybe that will give me a slightly unique perspective. I'm not completely sure, but we shall see!

3. What are you most excited for about this blog?
   I am very excited to hopefully meet some friends to talk about books with who understand the happiness that books bring and why I get so excited sometimes!
I also am really hoping that having this blog will help me to make reading more of a priority. I love to read, and I want to read, but many times I do not make reading a priority because I tell myself there are more important things I should be doing. But doing something you enjoy is important too! So I hope this blog will help  me to let myself have some relaxing time to read.

4. Why do you love reading?
   I love reading because it helps me to relax. I love the feeling of doing nothing but completely immersing yourself in a story and not even realizing that 3 hours has passed! I also love to read because as I mentioned before I am very empathetic/deep reader, so I love to read fluffy love stories and feel all those fun, happy feelings with the characters.

5. What book or series got you into reading?
  I have read on and off throughout my whole life. I used to go through cycles where I would want to do nothing but read for months and then all of a sudden I would get busy with something and not read for a year until I happened upon another book that sparked my reading interests again. I am a bit more consistent now, so there is always a steady want to read. However, I do still get on a reading kick every now and then where I read 24/7 and nothing else exists but books for me. But, to answer the actual question, I would say the book series that got me into reading the last time and after I never really stopped was Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. I was literally obsessed with these books and read all four of them in one month in the seventh grade. I know that it such a mixed-review series, but to my seventh grade self it was the

6. What question would you like to ask your favorite authors?
   How do you keep so many stories and characters straight in your head? And how do you stay so focused and dedicated to a story to devote a year/multiple years of your life to write one book??

7. What challenges do you think that starting a blog will be the hardest to overcome?
   I think the biggest challenge for me will be time management to be able to read books in a timely manner and find the time to write blog posts while I am in college. I have just finished my first semester of college, so I'm still pretty new to the whole college thing. I'll definitely have to stay focused on a goal for my blog to keep myself on track with posting.

8. When did you start reading?
   As I said before I have read my whole life. I have always loved stories and books even before I could read myself. My mom was always really good about reading to me as a young child, and I loved it so much that I would get mad at her when she would have to stop reading to me to go do chores she needed to do around the house or run errands! So, reading has always been a constant throughout my life even though I would say I have gotten more into it on a consistent basis in the last few years.

9. Where do you read?
   My very favorite place to read is tucked in the corner of my couch at home, which coincidentally is where I am writing this blog post! It is just so cozy and secure for multiples hours of sitting. I also really like to read in the bath (I know, I'm a fearless rebel), and I love to read outside in the sunshine or at the beach!

10. What kind of books do you like to read?
   My favorite books are fluffy, girly, contemporaries. I just love the happiness they give me. I also read mostly YA, and I love historical fiction! I know that that isn't a super diverse range of genres, so I have been starting to venture out into fantasy lately and I'm really enjoying it! I am reading the Shadowhunters Series by Cassandra Clare slowly but surely, and I really like it!

Thank you so much for reading my very first post!  I hope you enjoyed it, and I would love to talk to you in the comments below! Have a great day and happy reading!



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